About CMCA

Our Mission

We believe that each child is a unique blessing to our community and essential to our world. Our educators work as a team to assist each child in becoming an independent learner and discovering their true potential. This process points the child toward the Torah-given goal of improving oneself and one’s environment in order to reveal the
G-dliness hidden within our world.

A Lifelong Love of Learning

Our pedagogical philosophy is rooted in recognizing the need for learning to be an active experience. By focusing on the skills of a subject matter, we can build the child's autonomy in learning.

At CMCA, your children are given unending opportunities to think, observe, question and reflect and then to discover answers for themselves. Learning becomes its own reward, and each success fuels a desire to discover something new.

Our school is built on the principles of the CMCA method, which emphasizes individualized learning, critical thinking, and strong moral values rooted in the rich traditions of Chabad. We take pride in fostering an environment where students from diverse backgrounds come together to learn, grow, and succeed.

Our Core Beliefs

Our vision

We strive to educate and inspire our students to be knowledgeable and moral members of the Jewish community.

We encourage our students to be active participants in their learning, thereby successfully equipping themselves to be lifelong learners. We hope that our students graduate with enduring Jewish identity and Jewish values, with a strong moral conscience driving them to make good choices, and inspired to become role models and leaders in our vibrant Jewish community.

Our Staff

It Takes a Village

We are deeply committed to nurturing each child's unique potential, preparing them not only for academic success but also for a life of purpose and contribution to their communities.

  • Rabbi Isser New

  • Mrs. Leah Sollish

  • Ms. Virginia Henry

  • Rabbi Yale New

  • Dr. Gloria Saeed

  • Mrs. Nechama Gray

  • R' Dovid Rahmani

  • Mrs. Rivkah Ehrenreich

  • Mrs. Freida Jacobson

  • Rabbi Chanina Freeman

  • Mrs. Deby Freeman

  • Mrs. Lyomi Fernando

  • Ms. Apsara Dias

  • Ms. Zoica Sofian

  • Ms. Netalya Hayden

  • Rabbi Mendel Adelman

  • Mrs. Shterny Adelman

  • Mrs. Nomi Freeman

  • Rabbi Mendel Jacobson

  • Ms. Patrice Otero

  • Ms. Lauren Sturisky

  • Mrs. Sara Wineberg

  • Mrs. Chaish Mentz

  • Mrs. Mushka Kesselman

  • Mrs. Shternie Lew

Our Story

Inspired by the resounding success of CMCH Preschool, a dedicated group of parents united with a shared vision:

To extend the nurturing and dynamic Chaya Mushka Chabad Schools' educational method into the elementary and middle school years. In 2009, this vision was brought to life by opening the doors to our first-grade class, welcoming 14 students, marking the beginning of an incredible journey. Each subsequent year, we expanded by adding a new grade, growing alongside our students and continually enhancing our educational offerings.

As the Chabad community flourishes throughout Atlanta, Chaya Mushka Chabad Academy has proudly grown into the fastest-growing day school in the city. Our state-of-the-art facilities, innovative curriculum, and dedicated faculty all contribute to a learning experience that is both challenging and supportive.

At CMCA our story is one of growth, community, and unwavering dedication to providing an exceptional education. Our story has just begun and we look forward to continuing this journey, guided by our core values and inspired by the remarkable achievements of our students and alumni. Join us as we build a bright future for our community, one student at a time.


How can we help?

  • Chabad is a philosophy, a movement, and an organization. The philosophy emphasizes intellectual understanding, recognition of the Creator, and the unique mission of each individual. For more information, visit Chabad.org.

  • CMCA is a warm, inclusive environment welcoming families from diverse backgrounds and affiliations.

  • CMCA incorporates Montessori philosophy and pedagogy in younger classrooms. From third grade onwards, we integrate the core principles of independence and freedom within limits, but CMCA is not classified as a Montessori School.

  • When you walk into a CMCA classroom, you will find calm, peaceful, and joy-filled environments. Our classrooms are characterized by multiple learning experiences happening simultaneously.

  • Ensuring the safety and security of our children and staff is our top priority at CMCA. We have a comprehensive security system in place, including full-time armed guards trained in IDF and Israeli Special Operations principles, access controls, and strategically placed security cameras.

  • Yes, uniform information is available in the parent portal.

  • Students bring lunches and snacks from home. All items must be dairy or parve.

  • The student-to-staff ratio at CMCA is 6 to 1.

  • CMCA offers a variety of electives and extracurricular activities including Sports, Drama, Dance, Coding, STEM, Etiquette, and Chess.

  • The CMCA student body comes from over 20 different zip codes, including Sandy Springs, Alpharetta, Toco Hills, Intown, Dunwoody, Marietta, Kennesaw, and Decatur. Transportation and carpool options are available.

  • When you walk into a CMCA classroom, you will find calm, peaceful, and joy-filled environments. Our classrooms are characterized by multiple learning experiences happening simultaneously.

  • Due to the diverse student body, graduates of CMCA continue to Yeshivos and High schools of all stripes. Graduates from CMCA are armed with a strong Judaic and General Studies education ready to succeed in a college prep High School or Yeshiva environment.

  • School hours are from 8:15am to 3:30pm, with a shorter day until 2:00pm on Fridays. CMCA operates on a 10-month school year from mid-August to mid-June. Detailed calendars are available in the parent portal.

Our Inspiration

Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka Schneerson, wife of the Lubavitcher Rebbe

Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka's boundless empathy and tireless commitment to serving others serve as guiding beacons for our educational mission. Her quiet strength and unwavering partnership with the Rebbe helped fuel the mission of instilling morals and ethics within our children’s education. We aspire to instill those same values in our educational mission at the Chaya Mushka Chabad Schools.